Finest Pale Ale Golden Promise®™ Golden Promise Malt

“No other malt gives the same exceptional flavour to our beers that Golden Promise provides, and that’s why we’ve used it for over 40 years.”

Andy Leman, Head Brewer, Timothy Taylor & Co Ltd

Finest Pale Ale Golden Promise®™

Golden Promise is a beautiful heritage variety chosen for its taste, versatility and processability. Loves hops!

Beer Styles:
Session IPAs, Highly Hopped Keg Beers, Cask Ales, SMASH Beers, Premium All-Rounder
Malt Flavour:
Light Malty
Up to 100%

When you need a high performing well balanced malt to complement your big hops, look no further than Golden Promise.

Golden Promise gives beautiful mouthfeel to bring balance to beers with even the gutsiest hops and, when you drop the gravity for a session beer, you won’t lose out on body.

Golden Promise is a heritage barley variety that dates back to the 1960s, with that barley then malted to become Golden Promise malt. More than half a century on, it continues to thrive - particularly in the craft brewing sector - due to its exceptional brewhouse performance and flavour profile.

The Simpson family has always had a close connection with Golden Promise and, in 2015, we became the Plant Variety Rights holder for the variety. Today, our in-house agricultural merchanting division, McCreath Simpson & Prentice, is responsible for its maintenance and is dedicated to the variety’s sustainability and continued growth.

This blog - The complete story of Golden Promise - will tell you everything you need to know about this heritage malt.

Growing Golden Promise: A Farmer's Story

  • IOB
  • ASBC
  • EBC
Min Max
Moisture % 3.7
Extract lt°/kg (7Dry) 306
Colour °EBC 4.0 6.0
Total Nitrogen % 1.30 1.55
Total Soluble Nitrogen % 0.50 0.65
Soluble Nitrogen Ratio 38 42
Friability % 90
Homogeniety % 98
Steely Corns % 2
Glucan in Wort (ppm) 120
Diastatic Power IOB "Dry" 45 70
Screenings % <2.2mm 3
NDMA (ppb) 2.5
Min Max
Moisture % 3.7
Extract % d.b 81
Color ° Lovibond 2.2 3.0
Total Protein 8.13 9.69
Total Soluble Nitrogen % 0.52 0.68
ST Ratio 40 44
Glucan in Wort (ppm) 150
Diastatic Power ° Lintner 50 75
Min Max
Moisture % 3.7
Extract % d.b 81
Colour ° EBC 4.5 6.5
Total Protein 8.13 9.69
Total Soluble Nitrogen % 3.25 4.26
Kolbach Index 40 44
Glucan in Wort (ppm) 150
Diastatic Power DPWK 140 228
Click here to compare our malts